Sunday, September 23, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss With Paleo Diet - How To Loose Weight Fast

Paleo Diet Rejuvenating Lives

The Healthy Weight Loss with Paleo Diet" has everything required to understand the problem of obesity and tackle in the most effective of the ways. The problem is addressed by understanding the body itself and solution presented is the Paleo diet, which is natural. The weight loss program is sans any artificial inducements.
The book suggests that key to effective weight loss is an understanding the body’s metabolism and how weight is gained by the body. Weight programs should not involve procedures that can immensely complex and do not allow for normal living. Spending a lot of time in the gym is not possible for many as this would mean missing out on normal living. “It all depends on understanding the body in the light of science.”
The information presented in Healthy weight loss with Paleo diet is well researched and is presented effectively so as to inculcate self discipline. The remedies are all natural and do not require spending extra money. The researcher attests that the diet presented in the book will work for anybody who is suffering with weight loss problems irrespective of age, gender or work occupation.
In what is seen as a revolution in the health community, the book is said to be changing the way people eat, sleep and lead their lives. The approach followed is no nonsense straight to the point and is helping people reclaim their lost health.

 The e book is available from HERE

The Healthy Weight Loss with Paleo Diet offers 100 % guarantee on all the diet it is advocating. All the answers have been collected from the people have gone through similar treatment. The methods presented are holistic and real taking into consideration the modern day living. Ample space is also give to the essential workout exercises.

Find Out More

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Golf Swing Secrets - Essential Guide to A Better Drive!

 If you could hit the golf ball just a little bit further on each shot, wouldn’t that improve your game drastically...
Discover How to Drive No Less Than 50 Yards Further!

Exclusive Offer!
Never Before Revealed Information!

Finally Understanding the Secrets to Your Perfect Golf Swing
You can learn everything you need to know about the game of golf that will help you drive the ball down the fairway. Your equipment and golf clubs are based on more than just what looks and feels good. You might have the most expensive clubs you can buy but if they are not right for your type of swing then they will do you no good.
There are so many factors that can cause you to have a short drive when you play golf. The key is learning about your game and how you are golfing. Know what is right for you when it comes to equipment and all of the things that can cause a drive to come up short.
Your golf game can be better than ever...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Secrets To A Pain-Free Back

"Revealed: How To Cure Your Back Pain And Sciatica Directly From The Comfort Of Your Own Home."

If you don't have any of the following or you do not know anybody with the following conditions, then this program is not for you.

* Sciatica
* Herniated Disk or Disc
* Bulging Disk or Disc
* Spinal Stenosis
* Spinal Arthritis
* Spondylolisthesis
* Ankylosing Spondylitis
* Back Pain
Any Other Back Pain Condition*

*If you are experiencing back pain for the first time, please see your doctor for an evaluation and a proper diagnosis.

Now, next thing...I don't have time for people who waste my time. I'm not saying you are one of those people. But if you are somebody who is going to try my system and do it half ass, then you need to go find the Half Ass Back Pain Elimination System.

The "Half Ass" Back Pain Elimination System does not nearly work as well as please bear that in mind.

One more thing...

I want you to know that my system and the A-Z program I have created is completely 100% real and it works!

And everything you are reading before, now and after is coming straight out of the horse's mouth. There were no fancy editors or hired sales people. It is just you and me. Take it or leave it.

If you are skeptical that MY PROGRAM (not just another program found on the internet) can help you, then you might as well just leave now and go look for something else out there that doesn't exist.

But I will promise you one thing. You can't find this information anywhere else...not at your doctor's office...not with your chiropractor...not with your physical therapist, not even with your personal trainer. You can only find it once again, TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!

Here's The Good News

In the next 30 seconds you are going to discover how to eliminate your back pain for good. I mean whether you suffer from herniated disks, sciatica, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, doesn't matter. My program ( I call it the Power-Pack) is loaded with everything you need to help you get rid of your awful back pain forever and ever.

Here's The Plan!

The first few minutes after trying some of the relaxation and exercise techniques in my Power-Pack, you will get immediate relief from your back pain. That is a promise.

Throughout the first few days, you will notice more and more pain relief as you come to grasp with everything laid out already in my very easy to learn, A-Z, step-by-step back pain elimination system.

During this time, you should read over all of my material and learn as much as you can about ending your back pain.

So Here's What I'm Going To Reveal!

...A simple A-Z blueprint complete with PDF's, Videos and Audios walking you through my Secrets To A Pain-Free Back "Power-Pack" step-by-step and tiny detail by scrawny little detail with absolutely nothing left out...and NO filler or fluff by the way. Just solid, hard core information on how YOU can eliminate your back pain NOW!

For the rest of this website, I will show you what other people are saying about the "Power-Pack!"

I will also tell you everything that you are going to get if you try the course.

Lastly, I will explain how this program can end your back pain forever and ever with no hype, gimmicks or any other crazy stunts.

The reason I created my Secrets To A Pain-Free Back "Power-Pack" is to help as many people as possible deal with and overcome their back pain. It is such a horrible experience to feel like you are all alone when it comes to battling such a menacing condition. But you are not alone. I'm here to help and my Secrets To A Pain-Free Back "Power-Pack" is a great starting point to find the answer for eliminating back pain. Read it, watch it, enjoy it, put what you learn to good use and then ask me for more help. I'll gladly give it to you.

Mike Saros, Secrets To A Pain-Free Back "Power-Pack"

Click below to find out more..

Firm and Flatten Your Abs

Abs! Abdominals! Your Six Pack! The Core muscles! No matter what you call them, everybody wants them! Whether you're training for sports, bodybuilding or just to look good on the beach; whether you are male or female, young or old, it doesn't matter. There's not a single person who doesn't want a lean, tight, fat-free, set of abs.

The trouble is, getting great abs is not easy. Most people will waste years of effort and hundreds or even thousands of dollars on all the latest infomercial gadgets and diet gimmicks, trying in vain to obtain that ever-elusive lean, muscular six pack stomach, with nothing to show for their efforts.

If you want to save time and money, separate hype from truth, and bypass years of trial and error, then you must educate yourself in two critical areas: (1) abdominal exercise, and (2) fat burning nutrition. You can't get great abs without both! That's where the new ebook, Firm And Flatten Your Abs, (2nd edition), comes in.

Firm and Flatten Your Abs goes beyond conventional crunch routines and there's not a single sit up in the entire book. Much of the program is based on developing a strong, powerful, injury-proof core.

The "core" refers not just to the abdominal muscles, but your entire trunk musculature, including deep muscles you can't see (like the Transversus Abdominis, or TVA)."

Why should you care about muscles you can't even see? Good question, and there are many good answers. Among many other reasons,you must strengthen your core in order to stabilize the spine and eliminate low back pain, which 80% of us will suffer from at some time in our lives.

If you're an athlete - recreational or competitive - core strength means better performance on the playing field. If you're a non-athlete, greater core strength means more efficient and safer performance of regular, day to day activities. If you know anyone who blew out their back lifting boxes or simply doing work around the house, you know what I'm talking about.

Firm And Flatten Your Abs has a long track record as one of the best selling ebooks on the subject. It's been a Top 10 best seller for over 4 years! However, this second edition really blew me away. The 2nd edition has been completely revised, edited and tripled in size from 60 to 180 pages. In fact, when I told David how much I enjoyed the new edition of his ebook, he asked me if I would write the forward and I gladly agreed!

The exercise descriptions and ab workout routines are definitely the strong point of the book and they have not changed at all from the first edition with the exception of new exercises being added into the mix (why change something that already works so well?)

You may be wondering exactly what's in the book, so here's a sneak preview

The foreword, written by Tom Venuto, explains the difference between training for "form" (looks) and training for "function" (strength and performance) and how it's possible to train for both - a revelation of extreme importance for the bodybuilder, the athlete and weekend warrior alike. This sets the stage nicely for the rest of the book.

The first chapter is a short introduction and welcome message from the author, David Grisaffi

The second chapter is called 15 abdominal myths. On David's website, he says, "This problem (misinformation) is so bad today, that my job of educating people has become like digging a trench in the sand with a sewing needle. Before I can even begin to teach the TRUTH about getting muscular abs and losing fat, I have to UN-TEACH all the LIES, MYTHS and RUMORS." That is exactly what David does in chapter two.

The third chapter is anatomy and physiology of the core. This chapter might seem a little dry to some people, but if you've never heard of tranvsversus abdominis, multifidus, or psoas muscles, then this is essential reading.

The fourth chapter explains how to set up the perfect abdominal and core conditioning routine. Sets, reps, tempo, rest intervals and everything else you need to know to put together a workout program that works is all there.

The fifth chapter is the real heart of the program - The 7 levels of core and ab workout routines. It.s not just the fact that you're given 7 routines instead of just one that makes this chapter so valuable, it's the fact that each routine increases in difficulty step by step to accommodate increasing levels of fitness.

The sixth chapter continues in the heart of the program with descriptions and photographs of more than 50 abdominal and core conditioning exercises. I can guarantee you, that unless you are a veteran exerciser or fitness professional, you have never seen the majority of these exercises before. If you are bored with crunches, sit ups and leg raises, you are going to LOVE this!

The seventh chapter is called, "Top 15 nutrition secrets to flatten your abs." People who already have my Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle e-book will no doubt be familiar with most of the principles in chapter 7. However, a brief tutorial on fat burning nutrition is an absolute must in any good book about getting six pack abs. Because, as the saying goes, "abs are made in the kitchen, not just in the gym."

The eighth chapter, "Ask David Q & A," is a real gem. This is the part of the book that has been expanded the most since the first edition. David gets thousands of questions by email every month and he has take the most frequently asked questions and compiled them right here in chapter eight.

The ninth and final chapter is a brief resource directory of recommended products and services. This includes online personal training, e-books, audio CD's and equipment

So now you know what's in the ebook, but you also maybe wondering about the exercises and whether you need any special equipment to do them. Good question, since not everyone wants to train in a health club. Many of David's exercises can be done with just your body weight. Others require a stability ball (swiss ball), and a handful can be done with a cable apparatus you'd find in any gym. This means you can train at home or in a gym, whichever you prefer.

So who will benefit from this ebook? Well, just about anybody. The information applies to you if you are overweight, if you suffer from low back pain, if you are recovering from c-section, hernia or abdominal surgery, if you're pregnant or post-pregnancy, if you're an athlete, or even if you're a bodybuilder like me.

The principles in David's ebook are scientifically tested and proven. A graduate of the prestigious Chek Institute with a total of six certifications, David has the credentials and has done the research to back up his claims. He spends every day in the trenches practicing what he preaches as a personal trainer and strength coach for clients as diverse as housewives to professional boxers and golfers.

In summary, Firm And Flatten Your Abs is a groundbreaking e-book because it is about form and function, not just form. Stated differently, David's program will help you develop abs that are every bit as strong and functional as they look. Why settle for a lean, attractive and sexy waistline when you can have that as well as the strength, stamina and injury-proof stability of a professional boxer, Greco-Roman wrestler or a world class gymnast?

That is what separates David's program from the hundreds of other abdominal and core training books, DVD's and classes that clutter the fitness marketplace today.

To order or get more information, visit:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

No Joke...100+ pounds lost and kept off for over 21 years!


Why Weight?

Break the shackles of how you see and feel about your body right now.
• Learn 10 new tools on how to create permanent change regarding weight loss and release the beliefs that hold you back.
• Liberate yourself from destructive eating habits and the diet cycle.
• Learn why dieting is not the answer.
• Learn 5 new tools on how you can embrace permanent weight loss and have a body you love.
• Learn to love your spirit inside the real you.
• Learn to appreciate the body you have known which has supported you in so many ways.
• Quiet and accept the self talk that says you are less than.
Be the awesome person you truly are.

Laura Fenamore is a passionate advocate for personal development and a shining example of how lives can be transformed. She is a Body Image Master, body esteem expert, successful entrepreneur, life coach, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), and consultant.

Laura specializes in supporting people to design a life that is happy, joyous and free. Laura also works specifically with women and men around body esteem issues. She draws from her own personal experiences. Her work is about turning people’s pain into power and supporting them to make their dreams come true!
“There is nothing that makes me happier than watching people’s lives transform!”
~ Laura Fenamore

Laura has worked with author Jack Canfield, creator of the Chicken Soup For the Soul® brand, and she has also worked with the teacher of transformational wisdom, internationally acclaimed speaker and author, Marianne Williamson.

To assist others in attaining their life-long goals, Laura founded Body Image Mastery, which specializes in helping people who want to transform their bodies through lifestyle changes and to transform their careers by unleashing their inner entrepreneur. Through her workshops, teleseminars, speaking engagements, and writing, Laura has helped thousands of people make positive changes in their lives, as well as create more balance overall.

Laura’s recent focus has been to support people in having healthy, balanced relationships with their bodies. She teaches people that what they say to their bodies, how they nurture them, and what they feed them has a huge impact on their physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.
My job as a body image mastery coach is to assist you in discovering and unveiling your true self so that your inside and outside are authentic, beautiful, and in concert. So that, in essence, who you are on the inside and who you present to the world are the same - dynamic and incredible!

The key to having what you want is being your truest self. Most of us run from being who we truly are. I believe that when we are authentically ourselves, our mind, body and spirit will naturally be balanced and fruitful.

With an effective plan and the right tools, you can break through the barriers that keep you from your true self and realize your dreams—personally, physically, financially, professionally, and spiritually...

So whether you are clear about what direction you want to take or not, I can help you by creating an effective plan that will motivate and drive you to succeed and hold you accountable for your actions (or inactions).

This is your one precious life and your one precious body. Let me help you love the body you're in and get the body you want..
• About Body Image
There are four words that have been powerful guiding principles in my life: "If not now, when?"

I challenge you to take a step forward. Things can improve beyond your wildest hopes and dreams.

Please contact me for a free, confidential 30-minute phone consultation to discuss the ways in which I can help you find lasting success.

"Laura was so effective in helping me overcome my weight issues and my unhappy relationship with my body. Thank Goodness I found coach Laura through searching the web for a top weight loss site! I thought I hired her to lose weight and what I learned was so much more. I learned how to heal myself from the inside out and that is the only thing that will allow permanent change."
~ Janis Manchester, Sales Manager

"After years of battling a weight problem, I was lucky enough to meet life coach, Laura Fenamore. She helped me change my life, with her kindness and unwavering support and understanding. With her help, I have lost 58 lbs., I exercise everyday, and have never felt better. She has helped me realize that without exercise, along with diet, permanent weight loss is not possible. Thanks to Laura, I now have greater self esteem!"
~ Leslie Pellegrini, Opera Singer

"Laura was so effective in helping me overcome my weight issues. Thank Goodness I found this coach and this top weight loss site!"
~ JM, Sales Manager

"I don't know anyone who walks her talk the way that Laura Fenamore does. The way she lives is a testament to what she believes. She is constantly evolving. This makes her ideally qualified to assist others in their evolution. She is well-trained in the experience of growing pains. She also knows the peace of mind that comes with progress. You can't teach what you haven't lived. Laura Fenamore lives her lessons, sharing experience, strength, and hope with those lucky enough to know her along the path."
~ Jana Stanfield
Recording Artist, Speaker

"It took only a few months with Laura's coaching for me to be well on my way to my goals. At first, I didn't realize how much her skillful words awakened in me. But as the weeks went by I found my behavior changing in subtle ways. I am amazed at the power of accountability! By the end of the second month I was fully active on the four most important goals of my life, weight, smoking, writing and forgiveness. Laura helped me find the major drains on my energy. Once I identified them, I chose to trade them in for behaviors that would benefit me. I feel that old and priceless commodity of enthusiasm, which has always led me to the best rewards of my life. It is good to be me, again! Thank you, Laura!"
~ Lynne C. González
San Rafael, California

Body Image Mastery:

•Guiding you to address your self limiting beliefs and gain control of your body and weight issues.
•Helping you Gain your health and lose the weight that imprisons you.
•Guiding you to Learn to Love Your Body.
•Teaching accessible and easy ways to manage stress and paralyzing emotions that keep you from loving who you see in the mirror.

Body Mastery Toolbox:

•Learn self-control and regulation in tough situations.
•Change how you show up in the world.
•Create ongoing support to reframe your life.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Worlds Largest Tattoo Collection

Now Over 30,000

Award Winning Tattoo Designs


If We Don't Have It No One Does.

We have tens of thousands from tattoo artists worldwide that you are going to want to see.

This Massive Tattoo And Stencil Collection Gives You An Unfair Advantage That Average Joe's and Janes" Can Use To Quickly Start There Own Tattoo Parlour.

You see...what you're about to discover is how to blow away every other tattoo artist in your community by using cutting-edge tattoo designs. I created this collection for ordinary people just like you and me who are sick and tired of being kicked around by the big Tattoo Design Firms.

I say big because after I released this collection to the world, a whole lot of things have changed online because...

Big Tattoo Firms Have Lost Their Iron Grip

They no longer control the masses and they no longer control YOU.

... My incredible tattoo and stencil package is going to empower you to take control of your income and increase your happiness by providing the absolute best tattoo designs to your customers

Imagine this 'secret weapon' at your fingertips to help You get to the top of the Tattoo Game. You will be the coolest person to be around and you will be richer much quicker. My tattoo business has been approved by the Better Internet Bureau so there is no risk and you are guaranteed to receive everything I have mentioned so far plus all my exclusive bonuses...

If You Want To Grow Your Tattoo Business (Online or Brick and Mortar), You Need to Start With Professional Tools. The Market Has Dramatically Changed In The Last Few Months And To Stand Out In The Crowd You Must Have The Right Tools To Get You There

Don't Let Your Competition Get Ahead Of You And Dominate The Market In Your Town Or City

Click Below To For More Information..

Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Stop Anxiety Attacks

Suddenly, I felt a huge wave of fear for no reason at all. My heart was pounding, my chest hurt, and I could barely breathe. I was sure I was dying."

"I'm so afraid. Every time I start to go out, I get that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach and I'm terrified that another panic attack is coming or that some other, unknown terrible thing was going to happen."

Have you felt the terrifying onset of an anxiety attack? Do you suffer from panic attacks or its associated symptoms?

Well, you are not alone. Many people from all across the globe are admitting that they experience anxiety and panic attacks. This is a very unfortunate, but totally unnecessary situation.

Are you suffering from any of these symptoms right now?

Light Headedness - Have you experienced dizzy spells or light headedness that lead to fainting spells?

Breathing Difficulty - Do you get or have you experienced difficulty in swallowing, followed by shortness of breath?

Speeding Heart - Have you experienced a pounding heart with tingly sensations all over your body?

Chest Pain - Do you think you are having a heart attack, but your doctor says your heart is as healthy as a horse?

Overwhelming Fear - Do you or have you felt overwhelming terror that something terrible is about to happen?

These and other similar uncomfortable emotions occur all too often but the truth is you do not have to experience another panic or anxiety attack ever again - as you'll soon see.

Over the years, I have worked with many people dealing with the numerous anxiety disorders. They have usually reached the end of their rope (or so they believe) looking for an effective answer everywhere.

By the time they get here, they are very skeptical and have little faith that they will ever get over their anxiety. This doesn't have to be the case with you.

Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

Everyone feels anxious once in a while. We may feel anxious about taking a test, going to the doctor or any other situation in which we feel uncomfortable. For some people, however, they are unable to control their anxiety, and they wind up having a full blown anxiety attack. This can often land someone in the ER of the hospital because they feel as though they are having a heart attack.

When you are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you have to have several anxiety attacks over at least 6 months. This is chronic anxiety and most doctors will then evaluate you for these conditions. While anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax and Klonopin can help take the edge off of an anxiety attack, they are not the cure. Most doctors will refer you to a counselor or a psychiatrist who will then diagnose you with one of the types of anxiety disorders that are common and treatable.

General Anxiety Disorder

This is an anxiety disorder in which no known cause for the anxiety exists. A person who suffers from this type of anxiety disorder will often have anxiety attacks, triggered by an unknown source. It can be something in their head that sets them off. Doctors will give anti-depressant medication coupled with anti-anxiety medication so that it balances the chemicals in the brain and allows the person to function regularly.

Panic Disorder

Someone who suffers from panic disorder gets frequent anxiety attacks and often winds up in the ER of the hospital thinking that they are having a heart attack. This can be a very disabling anxiety disorder and is the one that is the most pronounced. Like general anxiety disorder, this has no known cause. Again, it is treated with anti-anxiety medication as well as anti-depressants.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Those who suffer from this anxiety disorder have undergone some sort of life threatening stress in their lives that keeps them from functioning at full capacity. While is it often associated with veterans who come home from war, anyone can suffer from this disorder who has been through a great deal of stress or life threatening situation. In this case, the source of anxiety is well known and therapy is often used to alleviate this type of anxiety disorder.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is one where you may have an anxiety attack when you are around crowds of people. The person who experiences this type of social anxiety disorder will feel cold and clammy, may feel heart palpitations and even fainting when they are around crowds of people. Anti-Anxiety medications can help someone overcome social anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders are best diagnosed by a professional. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms regarding anxiety, you should seek out a medical opinion and not suffer in silence. There are many types of anxiety disorders and only a medical professional can give you the proper diagnosis.

Conquer your shyness and have the fulfilling life that you deserve.

I know shyness can severely alter one's life. Shyness is just as debilitating as many other recognized diseases today.

The fantastic thing about shyness, however, is that it can be managed and eventually eradicated in your life.

The caveat to that is that you have to have a plan to overcome your shyness. You do in fact need help for your shyness.

If you are currently suffering from shyness that is altering your life and it feels like you literally will never be able to overcome your shyness, let me tell you......

I know how you feel, I was once in those same shoes.

I'll never forget what it felt like to let the meeting at work pass without voicing my opinion because I was shy and afraid of what other's might think about me.

I'll never forget the nights lying awake AFTER the party and regretting not speaking to that beautiful girl who kept glancing my way all evening.

What Might Have Been?

For me now, that is all....A distant MEMORY!

Why? Because I got to a point where I was so sick of being shy and hating what it was doing to my life. I pitied myself. I felt sorry for myself. I blamed everyone else. I blamed the world.

And then I had an epiphany. Well, the clouds didn't part and white light didn't descend upon the earth.....

But, I did have an "Aha" moment. From then on, I dedicated myself to overcoming my shyness and ridding my life of the negative effects of shyness.

I came up with and developed a plan to eradicate the shyness in my life.

It has worked wonderfully.

I can tell you that this plan is not hard to implement but it does take determination and diligence. And a new attitude about your shyness.

It literally is help for your shyness.

It is basically a blueprint for eradicating your shyness (and changing your life) one step at a time.

Inside my 57 page guide you will learn all of this and much more:

Discover Your Potential

It’s all over the news. Life Coaching has become a trend and it’s because it works.

Wherever you look, it seems like most everybody has a Life Coach or Business Coach, and I believe it’s a wonderful idea as procrastination and lack of guidance are two of the major problems that interfere when we want to achieve our goals in life.

When we have somebody hold us accountable for our progress it is much easier to see results.

The problem for many is cost. I know people who could greatly benefit from a Life Coach but just can’t afford one… is that you?If so, you are in for a big treat.

I discovered a program that includes not just accurate and easy to understand information about manifesting your dream life, but a personal coach that holds your hand and guides you along the way… and all of this for an incredible price!

I sincerely thought it was a mistake, so I contacted Tamara to ask about her new eProgram and the cost of it. To my delight, she said the website was accurate, and she would definitely coach me for seven weeks, all for… just $47!!!

Wow! I had to take advantage of that, so I did.Now, like every one of my reviews, honesty comes first. So here is my opinion...


The eProgram is excellent. It is divided in 3 parts: an ebook, a workbook and one-on-one coaching for the duration of the eProgram.

The information presented in the ebook is clear and very straight forward. No filler, fluff or confusing information. The eProgram –as she calls it- is separated in seven sections called modules.

You’re supposed to complete the program in seven weeks, one module per week homework included. The workbook is also great. I knew when to complete every section according to what I was working on that particular week.

The best part was the personalized coaching… every time I got stuck or needed clarification, Tamara was just an e-mail away and I could tell she knows her stuff. And to my surprise, she was always prompt to reply… I really don’t know how she does it!


The coaching is only through e-mail, which may be an issue for problems that require deeper exploration. However, if you have never tried coaching and would like to see if it is for you, I highly recommend you start with Tamara’s approach.

After all, if you need help with other issues or more personal time after the seven weeks, she’s always available for longer coaching sessions through the phone. You can contact her for more details about her coaching practice.

To summarize, I can assure you that “Discover Your Potential” is well worth it and I highly recommend it to start seeing results in your life now!

Visit now and see for yourself...

Personal Power for Women

How did two young women from a small Australian town overcome Bulimia & Depression to lead lives that most people only dream of?
Release your emotional baggage, improve your self esteem, and seize the happy, fulfilled life you deserve with...

Have you ever questioned whether this is all there is to life? Have you mastered your relationships but your finances are a mess? Do you have an amazing career, but your love life has gone to the dogs? Are you financially independant, but lacking the energy to even enjoy it? Do you just know deep down that there must be something more?

You're human and life does go off track. As a woman, you are 'hard wired' to care so much for your family and loved ones, that it can often be easy to let your own life slide as a result. Then you may wake up some day and realise that you've sacrificed so much... too much. Well now it's time to turn it around! Your life can absolutely be the amazing adventure you want it to be, and it should be.

Personal Power for Women

A six-week online course for personal transformation

Week 1 - Where are you now?
Before you make any changes in your life, it's vital to know where you are at the moment. Who are you now and what changes do you know you need to make?

Week 2 - Where are you going?
Set the road map for exactly what you want out of your life. Allow yourself to dream and decide who and where you really want to be.

Week 3 - Health is Happiness
How healthy are you? What's going in? There's no point in achieving all of your goals without the gift of health to enjoy them.

Week 4 - Wealthy Woman
Where does your money go each week? Are you getting ahead or living paycheck to paycheck? Change the way you think and feel about money.

Week 5 - Relationships
Whether you're in one, flying solo, or searching for one, this information will change how you see relationships and re-ignite any lost spark.

Week 6 - Spirituality
It means different things to different people, but this week is about connecting with yourself and learning to 'be'. Let the cyclone of life whirl around you while you stay centred and balanced.

Personal Power for Women

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Greatest Gold-Mine Of Wisdom Crammed Into One Product

David Riklan, the President and Founder of the # 1 Self Improvement
website in the world,, recently created an absolute
masterpiece - unlike anything that has ever been created before. The
wisdom and the creative thought that went into this powerful book will
boggle your mind - and, more importantly, it will propel you to create
extraordinary results!

Jack Canfield, Co-Author of the best selling series "Chicken Soup for
the Soul" described David's book as: "The most impressive collection of
the best-of-the-best advice from the world's top success experts. You
can invest the next 30-40 years searching for answers or can buy this
book now."

If you would like a concise, clear, gateway into over 1000 years of
accumulated millionaire's wisdom from the world's most renowned experts
in Personal Development industry, you need to invest the next couple
minutes to take a look at this.

Additionally, as part of David's 24 Hour promotion, you will
receive bonus gifts valued at over $1,412 (you'll get even more real
gems of wisdom), when you make one small investment into your wondrous

David's powerful story is below. I urge you to look at this now!

Triple Your Income, Double Your Time Off

Someone recently posted a poll on a well-known
public forum asking "What do you need to be more
successful at . . . "

This question could have been posted on just
about any forum that has anything to do with
making money.

Did people say they needed more information,
more know-how?

How about tools to do their job more effectively?

To my surprise, it didn't have anything to do
with more information or tools to do the job . . .

Over EIGHTY-PERCENT of the people who responded
said what they needed is -

"The ability to focus and maintain that focus."

After doing a lot of searching on your behalf I found
something I think you're going to appreciate.

Finally, there IS a high-quality solution that REALLY
helps dramatically improve focus and concentration.

It's called Laser Focus by Holothink and it's very
easy to benefit from this program.

Just put on a pair of headphones and listen to this
high-tech program while you work. (It's true, I found
programs that don't require headphones but I didn't
find them nearly as effective.)

Feeling unmotivated? This will kick you into

Want to get more done in less time? Then try this

Right now you can try a free demo of this program
and I'm absolutely sure you'll love it as much as
I do (listen for just 10 minutes - even while you're
at work) and you'll see what I mean.

All the best to you,

PS - It's been said that most people get less than
one productive hour of work done in an 8-hour day.

Imagine what would happen to your income (and your
free time) if you could triple your productivity
with increased focus. I believe this is very
possible for you using this program - go try the
free demo now - you have nothing to lose!

Manifest a Miracle

Manifest a Miracle is unlike ANY other Law of Attraction book I’ve read.

Normally when I read about the Law of Attraction, I get all excited and ready to attract my every desire. But I never have the success I expect, and I always wind up feeling disappointed.

I was excited about Manifest a Miracle too, but the real excitement happened after I read the book.

Was I shocked when I manifested my first desire within three days? Was I in awe that good things started happening to me every day? Was I amazed to find out how easy this was, when nothing had worked for me in the past?

To say I was blown away is a huge understatement. Here was this one simple book that had changed my life overnight!

In fact, I believe this is the most powerful book ever written on the Law of Attraction. Manifest a Miracle teaches everything you need to begin manifesting your every desire right now!

But the best part of the book is how lovingly it was crafted by the author. Gary Evans is a man who is obviously manifesting his desires, and his warmth and excitement can be felt in the book’s every word. I felt happy just reading it, but what happened when I began applying the processes was what REALLY excited me!

This isn’t your usual Law of Attraction book, focusing on the theory behind the Law and offering a few exercises that sound better in print than when actually used.

This is THE definitive guide to getting the Law of Attraction working for you this very moment! Manifest a Miracle is pure gold.

If you’re serious about using the Law of Attraction to live the life that you desire, this one’s a no-brainer.

If you want to manifest your desires with ease and begin really enjoying life, grab Manifest a Miracle today.

How to... Manifest a Miracle

Monday, February 16, 2009

Athlete Development Program

Excerpts from "Local trainer pumps up X-men star,"
- Vancouver Sun, Monday, May 12 '03

Movie ImageLocal Trainer, Steve Ramsbottom worked together with "mild mannered" Hugh Jackman, star of the latest X-men movie to help him "achieve every man's dream." Steve, worked with Hugh Jackman over six months ­ one to hours a day, five days a week to help Jackman put on approximately twenty pounds of muscle for the movie while staying quite lean. "Jackman didn't want to just look Ramsbottom, a local guy with a degree from UBC in Human Kinetics who also does rehab and special Olympics training, drafted a training routine that built his athleticism."

Ramsbottom worked with Jackman at his facility at 8-Rinks ­ the Performance Institute-a not so typical gym. While you will see the odd standard weight machine at his facility, in general, Ramsbottom feels that machines alone "don't prepare the body for real physical activity in the field. They may improve fitness, but people who then go out and try to play a game of soccer, or climb a mountain, often end up injuring themselves." With Ramsbottom's novel approach to training, "You get the look but you also get the function."

For Jackman, whose action-packed role as Wolverine included multiple combative scenes and holding a fighting pose while being suspended on a wire, maintaining both muscular size and definition without compromising athleticism was essential. To meet Jackman's needs, "Ramsbottom chose a regime that involved free weights for body building and swiss balls and balance boards for core strength and balance."

Click below to find out more.

Top Coin Collecting Tips

Do you already have a coin collection and want to find out how to increase it's value quickly? or are you thinking about starting a unique collection of your own?

Well there is a new ebook out that I recently purchased. It is by a novice coin collector that has been quiety finding and using the top coin collecting techniques for over 20 years.

He too was frustrated when he started and got ripped off more than a few times in the years he has been coin collecting so he decided to do something about it

He has recently decided to combine all of his knowledge gathered over the years into a "tell all" ebook

If you want to avoid the frustration, not get ripped off and increase the value of your collection a I have done in the past 2 months, I suggest you take alook at this valuable little ebbok.

By the way there are two great bonuses when you buy the ebook that in my opinion are worth more than the ebook itself.... nice short reports that are straight to the point.

Other tings covered in the main ebook include:

* How to find valuable coins no matter where you live – after you read this you are sure to slap your forehead and say, “Of course, now why didn’t I think of that?”

* How to collect coins on any budget – here I give plans for low, medium and high budgets so you can spend as little or as much as you want on this fun hobby!

* How to collect coins as an investment – follow these tips and you are sure to be making wise investments in no time!

* How to determine the value of any coin – reading these tips will ensure you never pay too much for a coin or sell one of your coins for too little!

* How to protect yourself from graded coin value fraud – plus, what you should know about first strike coins!

* The risks of investing in coins – if you plan on collecting coins you MUST read this!

* Inexpensive tools that will greatly enhance your coin collecting experience – you shouldn’t even try to collect coins without some of these tools … find out which ones here!

Click here to Get Top Coin Collecting Tips


The Tobacco Conspiracy
Why You Have Not Been Able to Quit Smoking

Billions of dollars are at stake. Millions of deaths result. Top corporate executives sit around the boardroom and discuss ways to improve their market share. Their success depends on keeping you smoking and getting people that don’t smoke to start. It’ s all about the billions.

The tobacco companies have very deep pockets. They have spent billions of dollars in advertising over the years and they know how to keep their customers. They want you to die a smoker. Their bottom line depends on it. And you will if you do not quit.

What if I told you that stopping smoking was easy? That smoking is a body and mind addiction. Yes, body AND mind!

I don’t know anyone that actually picks up a cigarette and goes, “ mmmmm, tastes great!” Do you? Of course not. Your body rejects it. It coughs, hacks, spits, and does everything that it can to tell you this is bad stuff. You started because your mind was thinking how cool you will be, how much older it will make you look and your body is obeyed. Now you are addicted.

Everyone starts this way. EVERYONE. You had to use your mind to convince your body or you would reject it.

I find it fascinating that almost all methods of quitting smoking do not take into consideration the mind. There are pills and patches and inhalers and gums. All these programs have a very low success rate.

Doesn’t it make sense to use the very part of you that started the whole thing - Your mind?? Or course it does.

Everyone starts to smoke for some sort of motivating reason. If I gave you a piece of food that was stinky, burned your throat and made you cough and gag, how many pieces would you eat? I don’t think very many. See, it would be unnatural for you to want more.

Smoking is not natural or everyone would be smoking. You cannot grow a cigarette tree in your backyard or a cigarette plant in your garden. They are not natural. Tobacco may be natural but cigarettes are far more than tobacco with an estimated 4000 ingredients added! The list is highly guarded and protected by law as a trade secret. Imagine that. It’s the public’s health and it’s a trade secret. Something isn’t right.

But one thing that is right is the decision to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is the one thing that will immediately improve your life and the life of those around you. When a person realizes that quitting IS a Body and Mind process it makes the process much easier.

© 2003 Rick Saruna
All rights reserved

QUIT SMOKING the painfree way. No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
Check out our website and why we can boast a 90% success rate with our 100% fully guaranteed Quit Smoking Right Now Program:

AAA Secret Weight Loss Program.

World renowned doctor discovers the secret to
long-lasting weight loss without dieting!
Dieting is About Losing Weight…
Losing Weight is About Looking & Feeling Good…
BUT, You DO NOT Have To Diet to Lose Weight,
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Look Good, Feel Great, Live Long reveals my AAA Secret to losing weight in painless ways that really work!

...With no damaging side affects—just a healthier life and weight loss that stays lost!

My “AAA Secret” is a Result of “Innovative Serendipity”!

The list is long of products and processes firmly imbedded in our culture that were discovered purely by accident—what I call a result of “Innovative Serendipity”.

Some of the “accidents” that surprised me were: potato chips, fireworks, Post-it Notes, the microwave oven, Corn Flakes, the Slinky, Silly Putty, Play-Doh, Viagra, Penicillin, X-Rays, Artificial Sweeteners, and Brandy!

I guess it can be said that some of the best solutions in life come about by accident—or serendipitously!

My “AAA” weight loss approach was a result of “innovative serendipity” too!

I never set out to develop a weight loss program! My entire career has been devoted to helping people add years to their life and life to their years—in other words, fighting the aging process to look younger longer!

I’ve spent the last several decades studying the aging process and researching ways to slow and sometimes even reverse the effects of aging!

Over the years as I coached thousands on how to look younger longer I noticed an unexpected pattern emerge – everyone that followed my advice for slowing the aging process dropped their excess weight and kept it off!

What made it really extraordinary was that when these same people tried to lose weight dieting, they failed—many of them time after time! But, when they changed their focus to fighting aging the weight dropped off automatically — and stayed off!

It turns out my years of researching and developing a plan to fight off the affects of aging accidentally (serendipitously) resulted in developing a weight loss program that isn’t a weight loss program at all! It just works better than one!

I call it my “Triple A” approach...
ALTERNATIVE for Weight Loss!
I'll ask you what I ask my patients...Which weight loss path would you rather pursue?

* One that has a long list of potentially damaging side effects (Dieting);
* Or, one that helps you live longer, look younger longer, and gets the weight off for good (My AAA Approach)?

Even if weight loss is your primary motivation, my AAA approach will still work better for you than any diet!

...And, if you think you’re too young to worry about the effects of aging let me share something with you…

I get asked all of the time, “When should I start fighting aging?”

My answer is always “At birth!” People usually laugh at that answer until they think about it and realize its true!

It’s a fact -- We all start dying the day we’re born!

Our only option to living longer is to start living our life wisely as soon as we can.

...And, by the way, being THINNER is a pleasant by-product of living wisely!

So even if weight loss is your only motivation, my AAA approach will help you drop the weight and keep it off in what will seem like effortless efforts compared to your dieting pangs and struggles of the past!

AND… Instead of exposing you to the dangerous side affects like dieting my AAA approach will keep you healthy and looking younger longer—something you’re sure to appreciate sooner than you think!

My AAA approach is not hard – it just requires making smarter choices!

Click below to find out more.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

500 Lovemaking Tips ­

500 Lovemaking Tips ­ Book Review

One of the biggest challenges couples in long-term relationships face is trying to keep their lovemaking red, hot and steamy. Early on in a relationship, the passion and newness of your lovemaking is always unforgettable; but, as that initial magic fades, it becomes harder to make things exciting again.

So is “500 Lovemaking Tips and Secrets” by acclaimed author Michael Webb the right book to bring back the fire? Here’s my take on it.

The book begins with a general foundation and understanding on lovemaking, briefly discussing topics like bedroom toys, adult films, the importance of romance for lovemaking, and interesting truths about Kama Sutra. It also contains a lubrication guide and 16 fully illustrated lovemaking positions in the back of the book. These are all nice touches, but the main attraction and bulk of the book is the 500+ tips.

I have to say, I really LOVE that you can open the book, pick a page and have between 8 ­ 10 easy-to-read tips ready to inspire or use right away. No need to read through dozens of long-winded paragraphs. Everything is formatted neatly and is very easy on the eyes. This is a big plus when you’re just about to make love spur-of-the-moment and you want some ideas.

So, what about the actual tips themselves?

This book is a treasure chest of ideas. It has 539 tips in total. They range from oral sex tips for both men and women, to games you can play to make foreplay more fun (although I would have loved to see more games). It also has tips to make intercourse feel better and unique, ways to surprise your partner like “coming out of the shower with just a towel and playing with your wife,” and even some cool places to make love that most people would never have thought of. While I didn’t find all the tips exciting (which was expected), I found more than enough that appealed to me.

The tips are all mixed together, which can get a little overwhelming. I recommend you skim through the book a few times rather than trying to read the whole thing in one sitting.

This book also lives up to its promise of not containing any raunchy, degrading, immoral or perverted ideas that so many lovemaking books seem to have.

In conclusion, while not all the tips in the book amazed me and I would have been nice to see some more ‘games’, it’s still THE most complete book of tips and ideas on improving lovemaking I’ve ever read. Nothing else comes close. All in all, I found it very enjoyable to read and use :) So if you want to make your lovemaking exciting again or even if you just want some tips for more pleasure, then I highly recommend this book for you.

For more information about 500 Lovemaking Tips to go:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia Gordonii – can a guarantee truly make all the difference?
As a weight loss market that is disputed - by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals – to be filled with hundreds of fake Hoodia products, finding a product that can offer you the guarantee to make sure it is real is hard.

In fact, of all the Hoodia Gordonii supplements we compared, only UniqueHoodia could offer a credible guarantee length of 180 days.

The rest simply could not compete.

Don’t believe us? Think we are exaggerating? Take these Hoodia Gordonii products for example:

Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills – 14 day guarantee
Hoodia 90 – 30 day guarantee
Hoodia Gordonii Plus – 90 day guarantee

The closest to match UniqueHoodia was Hoodia Gordonii Plus, yet their guarantee is still only half the size at 90 days.

Now if you go on to compare these guarantees to the whole weight loss market, you will find that the situation is even worse. They are not even remotely competitive.

Admittedly on the one hand you have got herbal supplements Proactol and ProShape RX that can match UniqueHoodia’s with a 180 day money back guarantee, but when you examine the rest the vast majority are very unclear on their guarantee length.

Not exactly confidence inspiring. In fact, these points just add more to the necessity for a set guarantee. Without one you are just opening yourself up to unknown health risks, and monetary losses.

So ask yourself this question, and try to answer this honestly. Of the 4 Hoodia Gordonii supplements above, which one do you trust the most to give you the weight loss results you deserve?

Go on, take a moment to compare them all and see which one fills you with the most confidence.

For us it has to be UniqueHoodia.

You see whilst you could easily argue that the shorter 30 day/ 90 day guarantees, can still offer you the time to feel genuine weight loss.

To know that you can use UniqueHoodia’s supplement for a whole 6 months, whilst giving your body the time to adjust, means you have genuinely got the time to experience real weight loss results.

A weight loss that is not pressured, but is filled with the knowledge that if you do not lose weight in 6 months, you can get a full refund.
So offer your body more.

Order your packet of UniqueHoodia today

100% side effect free and laboratory tested by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals, UniqueHoodia can offer consumers:

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And above all else a 180 day money back guarantee.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to Be Irresistible To Men

When Do You Know If He's Right?
by Amy Waterman, Relationship Expert

How many dates does it take to make a decision about whether or not you want to pursue a relationship?

I've always been curious about this aspect of dating, because very few women have comparable experiences. With some dates, the knowledge is immediate and instinctual. With other dates, months may pass before the endearing nature of his laugh, his smile, his character becomes apparent.

I know that I am a slow warmer. I am wary when I meet a man for the first time. I am dubious of his intentions. I read innuendo where none was intended. It takes me time to let down my guard.

It's not because I'm naturally a suspicious person. It's because, in the realm of relationships, I've been burned enough by bad apples.

I'm representative of most women my age. By one's thirties, one has experienced enough bad relationships to associate the dualities of pain and pleasure with a man. One is never sure how much to trust.

But this isn't natural.

Twenty years ago, I loved all boys. I played with them innocently and full-heartedly. Boys were my playmates, my cohorts in crime, and my teammates for games. I could think no evil of boys. Their strange preferences for dirt, body odor, cars, and constrictive underpants were simply idiosyncrasies of fascinating playmates.

As I grew older, I realized that boys could no longer be trusted to play innocently with me. My first two male friends in college were cool--a jazz musician and an Apple Mac gamer--until I realized they "liked" me. I quickly dissolved the friendships. I wanted the innocent companionship and friendship of my childhood male schoolmates. I didn't realize that maturing would erase that possibility completely.

When do we women lose our innocence with men? And can we ever regain it?

In my line of work, one great danger is to take relationships and attraction too seriously. Many women feel that the potential of the man they are seeing is a matter of life or death. Instead of having fun playing with him (like a child with a favorite playmate), they evaluate his potential as a father. They situate any future relationship squarely in the realm of adulthood. The rest of their lives is at stake.

My flatmate tells me that the definition of compatibility as a couple is when his or her issues are compatible with your issues.

That's a pretty adult view of the situation.

I have a different view. I believe that you know a man is compatible with you if he likes to play the same "games" you like to play. Maybe you like to tease in a certain way; maybe there's a certain game in bed that you like to play. Maybe you like to go out; maybe you like to mountain bike. If he likes to enjoy himself and have fun and laugh in the same ways as you, you've found a potential soulmate.

We all knew back in childhood that there were some children that we could play with for ages, and there were others who liked games that didn't interest us. It's the same with men and women.

Yet in our attempt to find a suitable man, we often forget to look for one that we have fun with. One that makes the kinds of jokes we find funny (and laughs at our jokes). One that is up for any crazy scheme we propose. One that will make our life happy and light-hearted, not just important and successful.

Life is serious and dry enough. We don't need relationships to replicate those patterns.

Relationships should be a haven from life's dry seriousness. You should be able to feel like a child with your partner, unembarrassed at the silliest of games. Together, you will be responsible for forming a life, raising children, making a home ... but all this will only be enjoyable if you can laugh together.

I have been out on dates with many successful, intense, highly attractive men. I admire them, appreciate them, and learn much from conversations with them. These are the men who will shape the world. No woman can fail to respond to their power.

But as for myself ... in my little, humble world ... I envision my ideal future as one in which there is always laughter, in which I can return to childhood with my spouse and play those games that I didn't get to play enough before I grew "old." I want us to be able to chase one another around the room, have pillow fights, and wrestle. I want us to tease one another, share silly jokes, and dissolve the seriousness of a working day with the magical spell of humor.

So, I suppose, the answer to my question is that it takes exactly the number of dates you need to decide whether you've found a companion you can play with. Some kids find a game they can play with each other right off the bat. Other kids end up trying lopsided games that one but not the other likes until they either find a game they like in common or give up.

Trust your child-heart's instinct. Ask yourself ... if you were a kid, would you play with this guy? Or would he be one of those kids who tries to control the game, or change the rules, or cheat?

A partner who makes life more fun is a treasure indeed,

All the best in life and love,

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
Learn More at:

About the author:

Amy Waterman is a professional writer specializing in attraction, dating, and relationships. She has extensive experience in helping women find love with her insightful and powerful secrets into attracting love and making relationships work. She is currently the host of the latest edition of "How To Be Irresistible To Men," which is part of the 000Relationships Network.

Her innovative program is a powerful instant-access multimedia course with a comprehensive supporting workbook. Additionally, members receive a number of bonus e-books on topics ranging from overcoming shyness to kissing, a 160-minute online video library, secrets of self-hypnosis, their very own personal email consultation, and much, much more! The "How To Be Irresistible To Men" Premium Course offers all women – single or not - a dynamic and comprehensive toolkit to attract love into their lives and establish strong and supportive relationships.

You can learn more about how to attract the man of your dreams and get the relationship you always wanted at: